17 Sept 2012

A Month as Marketing Manager

They say that "times flies when you are having fun" and it sure does! This month has been a whirlwind and I seriously do not know where the time has gone. It's crazy to think just over a month ago I walked into Jay Mews on my first day full of anxiety and anticipation. Marketing is something I have always been passionate about, but seemed like a dream career that I wouldn't be able to break into. Being business minded I love how results orientated marketing is. You can measure your success and tell if you are doing a job. My mission is simple - get bums on seats and the more bums the better. 

I was ecstatic when I was offered the job of Marketing Manager. Not only was I getting the chance to solely focus on marketing but it was with a touring company and a dance company. For me I don't think there could be a better combination (unless Kiss or MTV comes along).

So far the reality is still as great as the fantasy. The works hard and the commutes long but I love it! I think the most exciting thing is working for a company that has a brand. I'm not talking a logo that gets puts on everything but an actual brand personality. There are prescribed fonts, palette and templates for everything under the sun. Yes it is prescriptive and some would say restrictive, limiting or controlling, but at least it means there is a cohesive message coming from the organisation. It feels like working for any other business rather than an organisation, which is a refreshing change. So one month in and I am still as excited to get up in the morning as my first day. Here is to next month :)

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