28 Apr 2012

Thank You

I have always been a fan of handwritten letters, postcards and cards. In the modern world it is a dying practice. I still love to send my friends birthday cards. There is nothing like getting a handwritten envelope amongst a pile of bills. I am also one of those people who takes the time to write a personalised message. You won't find a To ...., Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great one! Lots of Love, Charelle xxx. No I will write something that is personal and special between the two of us. 

Recently I read inc.com's blog about How to Write a Thank-You That MattersRené Shimada Siegel wrote that nowadays so few people take the time to say thank you. To receive a thank you email is rare and the handwritten thank you note is basically extinct. This means that it speaks volumes about the person who took the time to write a note. Now I will put my hands up and be honest. The only time I even think about sending a thank you note is when it is christmas or my birthday. I remember as a child being reminded that I would need to say thank you to everyone who had sent a present. That would mainly would be through a phone-call but for the odd person it would be a thank you note. However, as René explains writing a thank you note in a professional context can really make you stand out and be remembered for all of the right reason.

René spoke about a thank you note she remembered. From this I have created a five points to the perfect professional thank you. 

  • The thank you
  • Show appreciation for whatever the person did for you
  • Include a compliment
  • A brief reminder about what you do
  • A stated desire to stay in touch with the individual
So now I am personally design and print a number of thank you cards. So next time I want to say thank you I can not only do so through a personalised manner, but also advertising my own skills at the same time. 

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