10 Apr 2011

Bye bye Sandfield Centre

On Saturday 2nd April 2011 a performance like no other was seen in a little unknown theatre called Sandfield Centre in Nottingham. As a result of the cuts that are sweeping across the country, Nottingham City Council has decided to destroy Sandfield Centre, which for nearly 20 years has been the performing home of Nottingham Youth Theatre (which has also been known as: Acorn, C’NET and NET).

Secretly for weeks past and present members had put together a review show of the shows and memorable moments, that had all happened under the Artistic Direction of Alistair Conquer. Throughout the day the building was buzzing with people singing, dancing and putting last minute sketches together. Outside groups were rehearsing their numbers in the car park in true NYT style.

Then infront of an invited audience of friends and family, and the guest of honour Alistair Conquer, the performance unfolded. It wasn’t perfect but was performed with enthusiasm, passion and talented performers. Although some performers had not performed for years it was amazing to see how they hadn’t lost it. The audience appeared to enjoy the performance and then Alistair gave a moving speech to close, which reminded everyone of the importance of the arts.

Growing up some of my best teenage memories happened with NYT. It was much more than a youth theatre where I had the opportunity to sing, dance, act and perform both nationally and internationally. It was where I truly learned what to work hard meant, what working in a team meant, how to be tactful, work under pressure and above all, met deadlines.

I owe a lot of my success to my years in NYT. It was a life changing experience that has played an important role in my past. It saddens me to think that no longer will NYT be able to use Sandfield Centre, but the closing of the theatre will not be the end of the NYT. As proven through the performance the NYT spirit is strong and the show must go on!  

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