24 Feb 2011

to fit in or to not fit in ...that is the question?

For the majority of the world fitting in is an essential desire. People want to be liked and accepted. Everyone wanted to be the cool kid at school and people usually want to be consider as 'hot' or 'fit'. It all comes down to being the 'norm' and following the 'status quo'. 

What happens when you can't be bothered to follow the rules? A few weeks ago I dyed my hair red (some would say pink) either way I don't care I love it. However, it seems the abnormality of my hair is jeopardising my future career. My choice to have a non-natural colour offends employers to the point where the value I would bring to their team is overlooked because of one lifestyle choice. A choice, which to be honest will be a passing phase like all fashion phases. 

I just find it so ironic when the commercial world is full of fake women. The majority have a face caked with make-up, hair extensions and probably a nose job, boob job or even botox. All of these women are 'unnatural'. We have got to the point where to the unnatural woman is actually perceived as natural and when you are faced with a woman in her natural self we think she is 'unpolished'. 

So what is a girl to do? When your looks are with you 24/7 and make up a major part of you should you really change yourself just for a job? How does one look in the mirror at the weekend at a body she hates but justifies it by the money in her purse?

So do I sell my sole to the devil and change a part of me I love in order to get money... or do I stay poor, happy and true to myself?

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