The idea of being a big fish in a pond or little fish in the ocean has been something I have been debating recently. Moving from the quiet southern town of Chichester to the big city of London. I ask myself which one is better? Was I happier in a little ‘city’ or will the big city answer all of my dreams?
It is fair to say I used to be a big fish in a pond. Everyone knew who I was. That was not particularly hard though. I went to the smallest University in the country and I had a very loud mouth. I also think my frizzy dyed ginger afro made me memorable, or at least recognisable.
Now I have moved to the big City, well as big as you can get in England…London…”concrete jungle were dreams are made of, there’s nothing you can’t do”. It is the city of opportunities. People are here seeking fame and fortune or they want to live the fast life. However, except for the rare few you just become just a face in the crowd, another wannabe, a nobody.
So which is better? Being a big fish is great but it has its downfalls. Always being recognised, everyone knowing everything about you, always having to be the persona you have created around you, it can be a drag. Being a little fish, a no-one is difficult. To feel obsolete as if you make no difference in the world and if you weren’t here it wouldn’t make a difference at all that’s soul destroying.
The ocean brings numerous opportunities which you could never get in the pond. Is it not better to be smaller in a more amazing place, than important in a boring place. The city offers the chance to grow; a little fish can become a big fish. Now imagine being a big fish in the massive ocean, that’s power, that the sort of big fish I want to be.
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